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        地址: 安徽天長經濟開發區


        [當前欄目:技術支持]????? [發布日期:2013-01-14]
        立式繞[紙]包機、立式包帶機 vertical lapping machine
        立式包帶機 vertical taping machine
        涂蠟紗包線 waxed cotton covered wire
        雙層編包風雨線 weatherproof double braid
        無包層光纖 unclad fiber
        通用繞包機 universal wrapping machine
        無包套光纖 unjacked optical fiber
        無磁性漆包銅圓線 unmagnetic enamelled round copper wire
        深漆玻璃絲包銅線 varnish-bonded glass-lapped copper conductor
        浸漆玻璃絲包銅扁線 varnish-treated glass-fibre covered rectangular copper wire
        漆包線 varnished wire
        三包層光纖 triple clad fiber
        三層紗包的 triple cotton-covered
        十二頭三層繞包機 triple covering machine with 12 individual heads
        三層環氧漆包圓銅電磁線 triple epoxy-coated round copper magnet wire
        三股編包線 triple-braided
        三層絲包線 triplex silk covered wire
        三層繞包線 triply covered wire
        三涂層[三包層]光纖 triply-coated fiber
        擠包絕緣或護套 tubing
        澆包、鑄包、澆鑄桶 tundish
        擠包實體絕緣三芯電纜 three-core cable with extruded solid insulation
        分相鉛套[鉛包]電纜 three-core single lead sheath cable
        緊包光纖、緊套光纖 tight (coated) fiber
        緊包緩沖套 tight buffer jacket
        緊包保護光纖 tight protected fiber
        緊包結構<光纜的> tight structure
        緊包光纖 tightly packaged fiber
        緊包的 tightly wrapped
        緊包光纖 tightly-buffered fiber
        鍍錫銅包鋼線 tin-caoted copper-clad steel wire
        鍍錫、包錫、掛錫 tin-coat
        鍍[掛、包]錫 tin-coating
        鍍[掛、包]錫 tinning
        螺旋式繞包 to apply helically
        螺旋式繞包 to apply spirally
        擠壓[擠包]鉛護套、壓鉛 to apply the lead sheath
        用紙繩繞包 to apply the paper string
        用紙繩繞包 to spin the paper string
        拉線漆包機組 tandem wire drawing and enamelling line
        切線式繞[紙]包機 tangential lapper
        切線式紙包頭[包帶頭] tangential lapping head
        切線式繞包機 tangential paper lapping machine
        切線式繞包機 tangential type lapping machine
        帶、條 tape
        帶(狀)絕緣、繞包絕緣 tape insulation
        包帶頭、包帶機 tape lapper
        包帶頭 tape lapping head
        包帶機 tape lapping machine
        包帶式 tape type
        帶包絕緣導體 tape wrapped conductor
        帶包式電容錐 tape-wrapped type condenser cone
        繞包層 taped covering
        內繞包層 taped inner covering
        帶(狀)絕緣、繞包絕緣 taped insulation
        繞包型接頭 taped joint
        繞包式電纜終端頭、繞包終端 taped termination
        帶繞包、包帶 taped wrapping
        包帶機、包帶頭 tapelapper
        帶繞包、帶包、包帶、繞包 taping
        包帶頭、帶包頭 taping head
        包帶機 taping machine
        包帶點 taping point
        包帶裝置 taping unit
